Elk River Books - September 6, 2023

David James Duncan Talks About Sun House with Hachette CEO Michael Pietsch

David James Duncan speaking at Brian Doyle’s Celebration of Life

David James Duncan - The Heart of the Monster

David James Duncan’s lecture takes a “show and tell” approach on one of the wild and scenic rivers that was the scene of a peoples’ victory over Big Oil in 2010. David also borrows (with permission) a Nez Perce creation myth to emphasize that there is no such thing as a “Corporate Person.” This legal fiction is a greed-spawned bastardization of a vital word that can only designate a living human being endowed with a heart, a conscience, and a soul. David also emphasizes throughout that to bring peace, balance, and wholeness to our too-often-angry activist efforts, we need creative, artistic, and spiritual practices and down time in the places we love. This talk is a part of the Bedrock Lectures on Human Rights and Climate Change presented by the Spring Creek Project.

5th Annual International Ethics Conference on the past and future of the Columbia River


 Vatican Repudiates ‘Doctrine of Discovery,’ Used as Justification for Colonization

David James Duncan and Steve Hawley on the GBH Forum Network discuss “Damned in a Hot Chaotic World.”